Dec 2, 2022

Are you noticing some issues with your car’s engine? Wondering what you should do? There are a few common engine problems that you should be aware of. Here’s what to keep your eye out for and why you should visit your Chevy dealer for a repair.

1. Your Car Isn’t StartingMechanic Engine Diagnostic | Glenview, IL

This is the biggest and most serious indicator that something is wrong with your engine. Every car owner’s worst nightmare is getting behind the wheel, turning the key in the ignition, and their car refusing to start.

You need to get to your dealer’s mechanics right away if your car isn’t starting. The issue could be something simple like the battery needing to be replaced, or something more serious. Your dealer will easily be able to identify the issue.

2. Your Engine Is Overheating

There are a lot of different things that can make a car’s engine overheat. Because there are so many different possibilities, it’s important to head to your dealership so they can diagnose the issue accurately and make sure you get the repair you need.

The issue could be that your spark plugs are broken, you have clogged hoses, or your coolant level is too low. Whatever the reason, getting your engine repaired right away will prevent bigger and more expensive problems from popping up down the line.

3. Your Engine Is Consuming Too Much Oil

It’s important to get regular oil changes for your car to keep it running safely and smoothly. But if you’re finding that your engine is consuming more oil than it should, that’s a major indicator that something is wrong.

You might have leaking gas valves or damaged piston rings that are causing oil to be sucked into your car’s cylinders, resulting in more oil being burned. Your dealer’s mechanics will know what to do to repair your vehicle.

4. Your Engine Is Stalling

You’re driving down a busy road and suddenly your car’s engine stops. If your car starts stalling, that’s a sign that cannot be ignored. You need to get to your dealership right away.

Your engine stopping without any warning is dangerous, especially if you’re in a busy area or you’re driving at high speeds. Get your car to your dealership’s mechanics right away so they can take a look, figure out why your car is stalling, and give you the repair you need.

It’s important to keep your car’s engine in good shape. Knowing what signs to be on the lookout for will ensure that if something goes wrong, you get the repair you need right away. If your engine isn’t working properly, visit us at Jennings Chevrolet.